
What a wonderful float testimony our friends at The R.E.S.T. Centre in Sudbury, Ontario posted today.  We just had to share…

“she walked out with a big grin on her face”

We had a woman come in for her first float. It is her birthday next week and she is turning 50. She told me that he has fibromyalgia and has experienced pain every day since she was 18.  After her float she walked out with a big grin on her face. I asked her how she felt compared to before her float, she hugged me, payed me and booked her next float. As she walked out she thanked us “for opening such a fantastic business here in Sudbury”.  Three hours later we got a phone call, it was the woman’s husband. He thanked us for helping his wife feel better. They had a lunch date and then they walked on the Boardwalk, and she still had energy. We are so happy to hear stories like this.


A group of scientists have started collecting data on the Floatation Fibromyalgia Connection.  For more information on this study, or to participate, please visit their website here.


Your Friends at Float.Calm